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Intuitive at Johns Hopkins Hospital

April 6, 2018 | Baltimore, Maryland

I mentioned in the Velodyne post, that every once in a while I'm extremely fortunate. As odd as it may sound to write it again, this was another one of those times.


The University of Maryland recently started a program where students can shadow someone for a day. This program usually runs through alumni at various companies in the area. I chose to shadow at Intuitive Surgical in Baltimore with an alumni named Phil. 


In my about page I mention that I build assistive technologies that help others with the goal of making an impact. Intuitive does just that. The da Vinci medical robotic system is revolutionizing surgery, and I'm so grateful to have had the chance to learn more about it. 

During the visit I learned a whole bunch about the company, played on the robot itself, spoke with hospital staff, and met other Intuitive employees. I ran through various simulations on the robot to get a feel for how the surgeon interface actually works. The controls moved seamlessly with hand gestures and provided a full range of motion unlike anything I have ever seen. I had built up high expectations for the da Vinci and it still far exceeded my expectations.


Phil mentioned the importance of the University--Intuitive relationship in improving the design, training, and adaption of the medical robot. He also introduced me to Ivan, the assistant director of the MISTC center. The MISTC center works to train surgeons on how to perform minimally invasive surgery. His insights and experiences were invaluable.


I owe a huge thanks to Phil, Intuitive, and Ivan in the MISTC center at Hopkins. The experience would not have half as amazing without them. 


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