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What they don't tell you about teachers

Kelly called me last night at 11pm while she was lesson planning for today. She was dead tired as a weeks worth of sleep deprivation (~4hrs/night) had finally caught up to her. I was afraid she'd fall asleep in front of her computer while she was making a worksheet to be used in class in the next day. See, I never saw a teacher's life behind the scenes. I never saw how hard they work to make lessons that connect with students no matter their interest level. It was something I so easily overlooked as a student for the past 16 years. 


As for Kelly, she is by far the hardest working individual I know. And it's not so she can graduate at the top of her class, or get a job at a top school, or get a high paying job [there's another whole conversation on this alone]. It's so she can be the best possible teacher for her students no matter how crazy, intelligent, or lazy they may be. 


I'm an engineering major, a degree notorious [perhaps rightfully so] for complaining, and I have absolutely no right to complain relative to the amount of work she puts in just to get through to a class of twelve year old students. Hours upon hours of lesson planning, grading, and worksheet-making. Long nights where she finishes making a new lesson with relevant examples on the hope that at least half her students will find it interesting enough listen. She has the patience of a saint and an unmatched dedication to her profession that she's willing to go off four hours of sleep for her students. And that's just to student teach! Let alone get certified, meet common core standards, and hold up her responsibilities as an undergraduate student. 


So here's to her and all the amazing teachers out there that endlessly pursue something they love to touch the hearts of those often too young to appreciate it. To those that selflessly sacrifice their own time outside of school for the success of their students. And, most importantly, to those that work the hardest to build a brighter future through education.


Here's to the (future) educators.

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